Introduction to Cloud Storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive)

Do you use (or want to use) Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive? Do you want to know what you can do with them and how to pick the right one for you? Then this workshop is for you!

It will cover:
1.     Basics
2.     Pricing
3.     Everyday use
4.     Security
5.     How to get the most of each service
6.     How to choose the best service for you

Add To-Do List to Windows 10’s Cortana


The more I use Windows 10, the more I am convinced that is the best version of Windows. It is still irksome, but I can work around the issues. One feature I am beginning to enjoy more is its Cortana virtual assistant feature. You can let her search your files and the web, do some calculations or look up your local weather forecast. It seems Microsoft is intent on adding more features as Windows 10 evolves.

Cortana is now integrated with my (second) favorite task list management application called Wunderlist. Wunderlist was a stand-alone application, but Microsoft bought its makers and now Wunderlist is listed as one of the available connected accounts in Windows 10.

I recommend you first create a Wunderlist account with your Hotmail/Outlook email account.

To begin, open Cortana and say or type in something like “Add wine to my Christmas shopping list.” This will prompt Cortana to create a list and show Wunderlist as an available app. Click on Connect to do more to link to Wunderlist.


Then authorize Cortana to access your Wunderlist account. After getting connected, Connect to do more will be replaced by Do more in Wunderlist.

I also recommend you download the Wunderlist desktop app (either the Windows 10 app or standalone app) from the Wunderlist website.  Once everything is set up, you can go to this page to learn how to manage lists and tasks.

Note that this feature is relatively new, so it is only available on Windows 10, iOS, Android, and in English within the United States. Microsoft will surely expand the availability soon.

A tip just in time for Christmas and the new (school) year!



Windows 10: What You Want To Know

Windows 10 is the best Windows ever. Microsoft included a bevy of helpful features, including the Cortana digital assistant, an improved Start menu and Windows Store. This workshop will introduce key Windows 10 features that will get you excited about using the new Windows. See new features, improvements to old features, and a lot of new ways to alize a desktop, including the Start menu!

New and Gmailify


Two exciting news items popped up this week. First one is the new The team at Microsoft has been running the preview of the new look for several months. Now the new version of is out of preview. Here’s what new:

  1. The new is built on the Office 365 infrastructure. One benefit is that it gains more security enhancements used by Office 365. It also adds nifty features like scanning your emails, for example, for flight confirmations and automatically add them to your calendar. As of now, Gmail does not do this.
  2. Add-in support. had this already, but with the new version more add-ins are supported. My favorite will be Wunderlist and Evernote.
  3. Better Skype integration. I now use Skype as my primary instant messenger for personal use. The current integration of Skype and was rather clunky. The new version is a smoother experience.

Coincidentally, Google released a new feature called Gmailify. Gmailify links your existing account(s) like and Yahoo! Mail to Gmail to take advantage of Gmail features without changing your email address. All you need to do is download the Gmail app, sign into your existing accounts, and enable Gmailify. More details at Gmail blog.

Happy emailing!